Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gender Gender

This week in class we talked about gender roles in families and in general. I really learned a lot this week. We were asked to watch a video before class on Monday that was about differences between men and women. Some people claim that gender roles are the result of social cues and that men and women are the same except for their biological differences. Social scientists have found that this is not true, and that men and women are different. They like different things and have different interests. On Friday we had more of a discussion about encouraging heterosexuality. We talked about several things that as future parents we can do to teach our children about the importance of gender differences and identity. These things were to: -teach at gender roles and at the promises associated with them -demonstrate a healthy marriage -be accepting of your children's interests and focus on the strengths of those interests -don't polarize gender -understand your children and teach proper principles -encourage friendships for your children and the skills of being friends -protect your children from sexual abuse -encourage your children to label themselves based on things that they like to do (artist, dancer etc.) Most importantly LOVE YOUR CHILDREN! always This discussion answered a lot of questions for me. I recently got married and as I have thought more about having a family and the way the world seems to be heading. I have really been wondering how I will be able to teach my children about the divine purpose and identity that we each have related to our gender. After class on Friday I have felt a lot better about how I will teach my children about gender roles.

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