Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prep for Marriage

This week we talked about preparing for marriage, which I thought would not be that beneficial to me because I just got married. But I learned a few things and I realized I could still do this preparation even though I am already married. We talked a lot about things the couple can do to prepare for marriage and one thing that still runs through my head from time to time is "Inquire well". I'm not sure where I heard this but the speaker was talking about how important it is for couples who are contemplating marriage to inquire well, meaning that they should get to know each other very very well. Now I know from experience that you will not be able to know every single thing about a person before you get married, I still learn new things about Jordan all the time, but I think that you can learn a lot about a person and that this is really important. I can't think of any examples to illustrate what I am trying to say but you don't want to marry someone you just met and you only spend time watching movies or something like that where you don't really communicate or get to know each other. You could marry a stranger and be in for the shock of your life! (Ok getting married in general offers a lot of shock..at least for me it was a lot of change!)I guess what I learned this week is to just always try to get to know each other. Ask random questions like I do! I always ask Jordan random questions and he teases me a little for asking things out of the blue but he always answers and we talk about it! It's really fun. So ask lots of questions! And if you need help I was in the bookstore and saw a book that was like 300 questions to ask each other before you get married. If you google "questions to ask your boyfriend o girlfriend" you can get some...naughty questions so try to avoid that. Maybe ask people you now and admire what they think you should ask. Good luck and happy questioning!

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